Thursday, November 11, 2010

Prima Ballerina

"You ARE the prima ballerina!!!" My teacher shouts at me. I snort while thinking to my self, "I am FAR from the prima ballerina. Who are you trying to kid?" There once was a time when I would have believed this could one day be true, but those days are loooong gone. You see, once upon a time I was good at ballet. I still love it, but I know I will never be the dancer I used to be unless I decide to devote my self to hours and hours of stretches and practices that, lets face it, will never be useful to me. I mean it would be cool to be able to fold my self in half backwards and touch my big toe to my chest like I used to be able to.

Anyhow, after 2 months (16 classes/ 16 hours) of ballet class, my teacher informs the class that her ballet 2 class and her ballroom classes are performing and she would like us to attend. "Wait, on second thought, I have never had a ballet 1 class as good as yours. I want you girls to perform the combination we've been working on." Mind you this little performance is just 2 weeks away from when she said this and most of us in the class are so confused about the whole combination.

So pretty much next week I get to put on my leotard and tights, stand in front of 200ish people, and look like a fool. Yes, you guessed it! I will be turning my kitchen into a dance studio on monday night so that I can practice (sorry roomies)....Secretly, I LOVE it ;) ....In my mind I am the Prima Ballerina, even if in reality I can't do the splits :)


  1. That's so exciting! Where's this at?? I want to come watch my favorite ballerina!

  2. It is in the HYPER building. I don't know the room # though. It really isn't going to be all that great and it's going to be super short, but you are welcome to come. Tues @ 9pm

  3. You're taking Ballet?! That's AWESOME! Good luck!!! I bet you're amazing. :)


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"That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God,receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day." D&C 50:24
