Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A small translation of feelings

I can't even describe how incredibly lucky I feel. The last few days I have just woke up and thought, "Wow! Am I really here?" I love my Heavenly Father so much and I know that He loves me. I feel so lucky that He would reach into my life and turn me around. 

I've heard people ask, "Who is she? Where did she come from?" Well this is it. The gospel. It is the ONLY thing that makes me different. My Heavenly Father has great plans for me. The trials that I have faced are not for nothing. I know that through the power of the Atonement I can be healed, I can find peace, I can forgive and be forgiven. Christ not only died for the sins that we commit, but the sins that have been committed against us. I can be/am forgiven, therefore I too must forgive. Christ knows everything that we go through, turn to Him. Let Him ease your burdens. 

Sister Ann Dibb pointed out in her October 2009 general conference talk that, "It is important to note, however, that in the scriptures there are very few stories of individuals who lived in blissful happiness and experienced no opposition. We learn and grow by overcoming challenges with faith, persistence, and personal righteousness. I’ve been strengthened by President Thomas S. Monson’s endless confidence in our Heavenly Father and in us. He has said: “Remember that you are entitled to our [Heavenly] Father’s blessings in this work. He did not call you to your privileged post to walk alone, without guidance, trusting to luck. On the contrary, He knows your skill, He realizes your devotion, and He will convert your supposed inadequacies to recognized strengths. He has promised: ‘I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up’ ” (“Sugar Beets and the Worth of a Soul, Liahona, July 2009, 3–4; Ensign, July 2009, 5–6).",5232,23-1-1117-25,00.html read the whole talk, it is AMAZING!) 
And always remember, good things take time, sometimes His time is different than ours but as long as you are doing the right things blessings will be poured down on you. Now the question is, are you grateful for the blessings you are receiving now? Are you recognizing those blessings?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I went to my first rugby game on saturday. Let's just say I like it better than football. Here are my reasons. #1 you can actually see the game very well #2 because you can see the game better you can see players better :) #3 have you SEEN the thighs on these guys? There is just something about watching muscular, athletic men run around on a field and take eachother out that I love. I'm sure that actually being able to see would be different if it was at a national level of playing or something cuz you'd be at a stadium or whatever. Nevertheless, I loved it!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 3 (right on time): Describe your first kiss, where you were, who saw and how you felt when it happened.

Hehehe....My first kiss makes me laugh. Considering it wasn't that long ago, it is still very fresh on my mind. I had met this guy country dancing. We danced together for a good portion of the night until I had to stop because I was getting too dizzy. He (Mark) got my number and a week later we were on a date. We played a million questions, it's kind of like twenty questions, but a million. I was very flirtatious, more flirtatious than I have ever been. I think it was because of the fact that I thought I would never see him again, so that makes it easier. It was a good short date that ended with me hitting him in face with the back of my head as I tried to hop gracefully into a little kid swing. But if you know me, you know I am not graceful. I was going to be heading back to school in four or five days we talked about him visiting, but I was almost sure that I would never see him again. Then the next day I was country dancing with my friend Arianna. When I saw he wasn't there, I texted him and we decided to meet up after country dancing. Arianna headed home and I hopped in his truck. We went to a park near the temple and sat on the grass. We just talked and flirted for two or three hours. I was REALLY flirting it up, it was almost as if someone had flipped a switch on. The conversation was easy and I was comfortable be around him. Eventually, I told him that I need to go home it was super late. As he drove me home we talked some more about him visiting me, which made me practically glow to think that this guy I had just met would want to visit me. When we got to my house he walked me up to the garage (because I could never get the front door open with my key). We were talking about something, but as we got to the garage we both got quiet. He kind of stepped closer to me and held out his hands. So I put my hands in his and he pulled me closer. My heart was pounding as I looked into his eyes. He had this look, I can't describe it but I'm sure most of you girls out there know exactly what kind of look I'm talking about, and I just knew he was going to try to kiss me. As his face came closer to mine, I just giggled and turned my head a little and hugged him. I'm not talking about just a little giggle, I mean a full on little girl giggle! Then I kind of backed away just a little, still kind of giggling. (I laugh at the silliest things and in the complete wrong moments!) He came closer again and went in for the kiss again (what determination this guy had!) and I just giggled again and hugged him again. Finally, he asks, "Can I kiss you???" My mind raced, why not? "Yeah" I laughed. Then we kissed and then kissed again. When he kissed me I remember thinking, "Oh. This is what this is like. I kinda like it." I was looking up at the stars as he kissed me and remember looking at Orion's belt then thinking, "Oh yeah my eyes are supposed to be closed." When I closed them and it only made it even better! We hugged and I went inside. It was a great kiss and I still talk with him occasionally. 

Day 2 (a little late): A letter to my best friend

My Dearest Deseretie and Jess-i-ca~

I love you so very much. You are, after all, my Mexican & Canadian hermanas. I honestly believe that we were friends before we came to earth. I love how you tell me the truth even when I refuse to listen to you. I promise that your words do penetrate my thick skull. I know that I am stubborn and at times childish, but thank you for your patience. I love that I can tell you guys my funny thoughts and that you laugh with me, even if sometimes I can tell that you are laughing more AT me than WITH me. Thank you for crying with me and being there for me as I worked/work through so many difficult things. Thank you for sharing your families with me, I should pretty much be a Mexadian. Thank you for never giving up on me and for the unconditional love you give me. You both are "georgeous" (haha...from that quote in our locker...get it, get it? ;) I am so glad that you two came and talked to me that day. There were so many times that I just wanted to give up in school, with family, with a social life, religion, pretty much just everything, but you guys were always there to keep me going. I love you both so very very much!!!!!!!!

Love always and forever, 
Lexi Love

Arianna Dawn~
Pretty sure that when I first met you, I peed my pants. When I opened the door that day you moved into our dorm, I was ecstatic. I'm glad I hugged you. I knew when I first saw you that we were going to be friends, I just never imagined that we would be such good friends. I love all of the silly things that we do together. You are beautiful inside and out. You have helped me to grow in so many ways. Thank you for putting up with my impatience. Thanks for talking things out with me. Thank you for laughing, crying, and dancing with me! I love love love love you!!!!!!! So muuush!

Love always, 


Thank you for your example, for your understanding, and for your patience. I swear any friend of mine has to exercise so much of that with me. Thank you for not making me feel like an idiot when I say or do something dumb or when I don't understand something. Thank you for sticking around, even when at times I can be such a bum. Thank you for talking through and then supporting (or at least understanding) decisions that I have made. Thank you for your friendship. I don't know what I would do without you! I'm proud of you. You are truly an amazing person and I am so lucky to have you in my life. 

Love always,

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Prima Ballerina

"You ARE the prima ballerina!!!" My teacher shouts at me. I snort while thinking to my self, "I am FAR from the prima ballerina. Who are you trying to kid?" There once was a time when I would have believed this could one day be true, but those days are loooong gone. You see, once upon a time I was good at ballet. I still love it, but I know I will never be the dancer I used to be unless I decide to devote my self to hours and hours of stretches and practices that, lets face it, will never be useful to me. I mean it would be cool to be able to fold my self in half backwards and touch my big toe to my chest like I used to be able to.

Anyhow, after 2 months (16 classes/ 16 hours) of ballet class, my teacher informs the class that her ballet 2 class and her ballroom classes are performing and she would like us to attend. "Wait, on second thought, I have never had a ballet 1 class as good as yours. I want you girls to perform the combination we've been working on." Mind you this little performance is just 2 weeks away from when she said this and most of us in the class are so confused about the whole combination.

So pretty much next week I get to put on my leotard and tights, stand in front of 200ish people, and look like a fool. Yes, you guessed it! I will be turning my kitchen into a dance studio on monday night so that I can practice (sorry roomies)....Secretly, I LOVE it ;) ....In my mind I am the Prima Ballerina, even if in reality I can't do the splits :)

Day 1: Favorite quotes

"Happiness is a choice, not a reaction"

"Life is not what happens on the outside, it is how we percieve it on the inside"

"Patience is far more than simply waiting for something to happen- patience requires actively working toward worthwhile goals and not getting discouraged when results don't appear instantly or without effort...There is an important concept here: patience is not passive resignation, nor is it failing to act because of our fears. Patience means active waiting and enduring. It means staying with something and doing all that we can- working, hoping, and exercising faith; bearing hardship with fortitude, even when the desires of our hearts are delayed. Patience is not simply enduring; it is enduring well!" ~President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it ~Bill Cosby

I was born to try ~ Delta Goodrem

The person who forgets the past is foolish, but not as much as the person who forgets to move forward. ~Andrew Arveseth

Ten Days

I saw this on my cousins blog and decided to steal it. :) Thanks Shirley!

Day One: Your favorite quotes.

Day Two: A letter to your best friend.

Day Three: Describe your first kiss, where you were, who saw and how you felt when it happened.

Day Four: Tell the story of your favorite memory.

Day Five: Three things that you’ve done in your life that you regret doing / not doing.

Day Six: Three things that you wish you could do right now.

Day Seven: Your favorite TV show, movie, song and book.

Day Eight: Write a letter to someone that you’ve drifted away from and now miss.

Day Nine: Five items you’d grab in a fire.

Day Ten: The hardest thing you’ve ever had to do.

~A Silver lining~

Sometimes when I'm walking to class I look at the people around me. When I do, I usually see people who look energized, people who look worn out, people who look like they possibly haven't bathed in a while, people who look like they've had hard lives, people who look like they've had easy lives. But I know that it is important not to look at the appearance. It really is like that saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover."

When people look at me, what do they see at first glance? I'm pretty sure that those around me see me and think I'm one of those people who has had an easy life. In many ways that is possibly true. I do tend to overlook some of the harder things in my life as a way to make things easier for myself. But if you acknowledge the bad at every second of your life and let it rule you, you soon become that person.

I was talking with a friend a few days ago about how people look at us and see these amazing people. They think that we have no idea what the harder things are in life, when in reality that is not the case at all. I may not have had the hardest life, but it most certainly was not easy. I have been faced with many hard decisions in my life and have had some pretty crazy experiences. I have been given responsibilities at a young age that no child should be given. There are a lot of things that I have kept from those around me, even family. Why? Because sometimes they aren't the most important things in life. Every day we need to look for the silver lining in the cloud before us, because if we do then the sun might just surprise us and come out from behind the cloud to shower us in warmth. I could never be the kind of person who lives a life of hate. I live for the silver lining and the sporadic moments of warmth.

About Me

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"That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God,receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day." D&C 50:24
