Saturday, January 22, 2011

24 Hours

I was dreding this paper but it turned out pretty good! It is about what I would do if I were stuck in the USU library for 24 hours alone....Enjoy!


I stand in the middle of the Merril Crazier Library. What do I do? I take a giant whiff of the air; fear mixed with anticipation lingers in it. Who will be my next victim? I creep up the stairs to the third floor, turn right and head slowly for the fungi section. Knowing I will find my victim there waiting. I have spotted my prey. I reach out my hand and snatch up my prey from the shelf where it has been calling my name, Michael Kuo’s 100 Edible Mushrooms.

So it isn’t a cheese burger, but I get to mix my curiosity for fungus that I normally hide from others with my love for cooking. I carry my victim to the nest I have made. I have pushed all of the couches I can find to the south side of the main floor underneath the enormous skylight window. Together they make a bed that could break any Guinness world record.

I place the book on the top of the stack of historical fiction I have already gathered. I nestle in between the millions of blankets that I have found in a hidden closet, someone must have known that I would be stuck here for 24 hours. I pull out my bowl that is filled with a mixture of vanilla ice cream and brownies that have been made with out eggs. I lay there for hours reading about mushrooms, Lady Elizabeth, Queen Eleanor, and many other European historical figures.

After I carefully devour the words in each book, I decide it is time to work off all the ice cream and brownies I ate. Running up and down the stairs several times quickly wears me out. I wander around until I have found the music section. I pull different albums off of the shelves without even considering what I am grabbing. Finding the speaker system, I blare the music throughout the entire library. Moving to the lobby I begin to loosen up and let my inner ballerina-African-hip hop dancer emerge. This is how they find me, leaping shaking and twirling around the library. I am soon committed to an insane asylum, where I forever leap shake and twirl.

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"That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God,receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day." D&C 50:24
